Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 23

Off the wagon.  I don't feel good today at all.  I had some bad fajitas last night and my stomach is a mess.  I had some chicken noodle soup from breadco today.  The thought of having anything else made me ill.

I was at 209.5 this morning.  I have a band to go see tonight and I can't help but think that I am going to drink. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 21

On day 20, I weighed in at 212.7.  I figured I would gain because I did have alcohol on Saturday and it is my worst dieting habit.

Today, I weigh 211.4, so I am getting back down to my Saturday weight.

I'm going to stay on the diet for the 40 days this time instead of my first cycle which was 23.  Being that it's day 21, I would love to quit and get into Atkins eating, but I just haven't lost enough.  I am trying on wedding dresses in 18 days.  Wouldn't it be nice to be under the 200lb for that?!

After this cycle is complete, I am going to stay off hcg for about 4-6 weeks to let my body get used to its new weight.  I'm hoping to maintain and maybe even lose a bit more by actually making some time for the gym. 

I should be starting back on HCG again in mid June- July.  Hopefully I'll be able to reach my ideal weight by mid August.  Maybe a bit below my ideal weight so I can eat and drink what I want for my bachelorette party.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 19


mcdonalds cheeseburger- just the meat and cheese

Fajitas from a mexican restaurant- steak.  Just ate steak, lettuce, sour cream and dipped in salsa.

Snack- some cashews and some beef jerky

Drinks- about 1 bottle of Skinny Girl Margaritas.

Weight this morning- 210.5

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 18

spoon of pb

steak and blue cheese salad at O'Charleys

Beer can chicken
Brussel Sprouts

No fruit, ran out.

weigh in this morning- 212.1

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 17

I didn't blog this week because on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (yes, all three days) I drank and drank like a fish.  I'd had a crummy week at work without much success and I drank it all away this weekend.  I still stuck to the diet as far as no carbs- I had some pork- because my beloved smoked ribs for 8 hours. And I had to have some.  Or a lot.

So on Saturday I was down to 212.8

By Monday, 217.  WOW.

So finally, today, I am back down to 213.5.  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 10

Breakfast- coffee

Lunch- chicago dog from Sonic.  No bun, just ate the all beef frank and the pickle.  Had two of these.

Dinner- lunch meat- turkey, slice of american cheese and some brussel sprouts

Weigh in this morning: 215.2

Going to go back to Qdoba and steak that worked in the beginning today.