Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 23

Off the wagon.  I don't feel good today at all.  I had some bad fajitas last night and my stomach is a mess.  I had some chicken noodle soup from breadco today.  The thought of having anything else made me ill.

I was at 209.5 this morning.  I have a band to go see tonight and I can't help but think that I am going to drink. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 21

On day 20, I weighed in at 212.7.  I figured I would gain because I did have alcohol on Saturday and it is my worst dieting habit.

Today, I weigh 211.4, so I am getting back down to my Saturday weight.

I'm going to stay on the diet for the 40 days this time instead of my first cycle which was 23.  Being that it's day 21, I would love to quit and get into Atkins eating, but I just haven't lost enough.  I am trying on wedding dresses in 18 days.  Wouldn't it be nice to be under the 200lb for that?!

After this cycle is complete, I am going to stay off hcg for about 4-6 weeks to let my body get used to its new weight.  I'm hoping to maintain and maybe even lose a bit more by actually making some time for the gym. 

I should be starting back on HCG again in mid June- July.  Hopefully I'll be able to reach my ideal weight by mid August.  Maybe a bit below my ideal weight so I can eat and drink what I want for my bachelorette party.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 19


mcdonalds cheeseburger- just the meat and cheese

Fajitas from a mexican restaurant- steak.  Just ate steak, lettuce, sour cream and dipped in salsa.

Snack- some cashews and some beef jerky

Drinks- about 1 bottle of Skinny Girl Margaritas.

Weight this morning- 210.5

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 18

spoon of pb

steak and blue cheese salad at O'Charleys

Beer can chicken
Brussel Sprouts

No fruit, ran out.

weigh in this morning- 212.1

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 17

I didn't blog this week because on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (yes, all three days) I drank and drank like a fish.  I'd had a crummy week at work without much success and I drank it all away this weekend.  I still stuck to the diet as far as no carbs- I had some pork- because my beloved smoked ribs for 8 hours. And I had to have some.  Or a lot.

So on Saturday I was down to 212.8

By Monday, 217.  WOW.

So finally, today, I am back down to 213.5.  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 10

Breakfast- coffee

Lunch- chicago dog from Sonic.  No bun, just ate the all beef frank and the pickle.  Had two of these.

Dinner- lunch meat- turkey, slice of american cheese and some brussel sprouts

Weigh in this morning: 215.2

Going to go back to Qdoba and steak that worked in the beginning today.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 9- Bad News Bears

I knew I was pushing it yesterday, but I didn't think I'd gain.. I just thought maybe I wouldn't lose. 


Gyro w/o pita
Includes lamb
*HUMMUS- this is the bad news bears.  I knew it was full of carbs and I only had maybe 1/8 cup of it, but it was not a good choice

*Venti Skim Latte- Again, a poor choice.  I had way too much skim milk in my coffee since it was a latte

4 oz of lunch meat- chicken
1 piece american cheese

Weigh in this morning- 215.5  A GAIN.  So sad.  I won't be having the Gyro/ Hummus and Latte again.  I thought that because lamb was lean that maybe it would be ok, but it is not.  I will stick to protocol better.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 8


Ordered steak fajita's from a mexican restaurant.  For set up, I asked for only lettuce and sour cream.  Ate just the mean with a bit of salsa stirred in and lettuce/ sour cream

I wasn't really that hungry in the evening.  I had some lunch meat- deli chicken- maybe 4-5 oz and a piece of american cheese.

Cheats- Two Ande's mints.  no almonds, etc today.  Stayed pretty on track.

Weigh in this morning- 214.5

Also,  my size 16 dress pants that were way too tight last week fit well this morning.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 5, 6, 7

This weekend was a bit difficult because we had a family event to go to Sunday.  I ate just the lunch meat and cheese off a sandwhich, and had some strawberries.  I also ate one cookie.  WHY would I do that?

I made roast that evening.  I tasted the mashed potatoes at least twice (telling myself I was doing it for seasoning reasons).  I had roast beef and brussel sprouts, but I did put some gravy on my meat.

Monday was Qdoba again and for dinner I had a fillet and green beans.  Again, I had a cookie.  WHY?!  I'll blame it on my lack of will power because it's my TOM.

So, weight today 216.0
No one to blame but myself.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 4

Coffee and Water

Qdoba naked taco salad
green salsa
1 tablespoon Sour Cream
1 cup Tortilla Soup + chicken

(We had dinner at someone's house, so I attempted to adapt)
Chicken breast (from a store bought roasted chicken)
Salad- including shredded chedder cheese, egg, and tomato
1 tablespoon ranch dressing

I didn't have my apple tonight because I figured my body had enough to burn off sugar wise from the carbs in the dressing.

Hand full of raw almonds

Weight this morning: 218.5

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 3

coffee and water

Qdoba taco salad
no shell
green salsa
1 Tablespoon sour cream
1 cup tortilla soup (100 calories) w/o any extras- except a few pieces of chicken

Filet (6oz)
Green Beans

Snack/cheat (which is not oK!)
1 piece american cheese
10 pistachios

Water water water

Weigh in this morning was 220.2 lbs.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 2

I ate the exact same thing as yesterday.  Qdoba and steak with brussel sprouts.  Down to 222lbs.  I'm going to try to do better today (brussel sprouts have butter and aren't exactly on the list of veggies and I ate too much meat at dinner) to see if I get more than a 1lb loss.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 1


Salad from Qdoba
Taco Salad- no shell
Just Chicken
Sour Cream
Green Salsa
(Total Calories- 280 Total Carbs- 10)

6oz. Filet
Brussel Sprouts

I cheated today.  On day 1.  I had a hand full of raw almonds and a cheese stick

Starting Weight after loading: 225.8 lbs

Weight morning of Day 2: 223.3 lbs.